Citadele group’s remuneration policy

Our remuneration policy includes sustainability risk considerations and incorporates, among other elements, the adherence to the Citadele Group Code of Ethics and the alignment of stakeholder interests in employee behaviour.

The Citadele Group is dedicated to fair and reasonable remuneration practices and policies, serving both the Citadele Group and its employees and contributing to business sustainability and viability over a long-term. The Remuneration policy incorporates, among other elements, the adherence to the Code of Ethics of the Citadele Group and the alignment of stakeholder interests in the employee behaviour. Performance of the assets under management portfolio is not the sole or the dominant components of the Remuneration policy; therefore, the risk of misalignment of individual motivations with the potential sustainability risks in the investment decision-making is limited. Moreover, the variable part of the remuneration is deferred for one to three years for positions with a material impact on the business and portfolio risk profile, serving as an additional restraint to excessive risk-taking and short-term focused behaviour. The Citadele Group closely follows the evolution and regularly incorporates in the Remuneration policy the best practices and innovations in sustainable finance and in environmental, social and governance (ESG) field.

Remuneration Policy